Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Old School Hip-Hop Review - De La Soul - "Buhloone Mindstate"

1993 - (Tommy Boy) - This is the third installation from De La Soul, Buhloone Mindstate. This album was well excepted and had been long over due as far as Hip-Hop heads were concerned. We all thought De La was dead and the would leave the game on a high note. The previous album they dropped in 1991, some would say it was the best they ever been. Buhloone Minstate was sort of different in it's own aspect. The record as a whole is a great listen and has alot of thump to it. "Breakadawn" and "Ego Trippin' [Part II] are sure shot winners and help this album reach it's fullest capacity. This is one De La record that is somewhat overlooked but will always be remembered for it's style and charisma. Pos, Dove and Mase are pioneers and have always tryed to keep that Native Tongue music going for the new millennium.

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